November 30, 2020: "This Week in Fingerstyle!"


November 30, 2020

The end of November is here and the holidays are quickly approaching. What a year it's been. One thing for certain, like never before this world is feeling it together and it is so apparent what a small interconnected planet we live on. 

On that small interconnected planet, we are connected by music as well and everyone everywhere can listen to great music produced by artists they will never know. A small segment of that musical world that I peek into every day is the fingerstyle guitar genre. So much good fingerstyle guitar music is being produced these days by incredible and talented musicians, and I'm here to put a smile on their faces every Monday morning!

Daryl Shawn, an incredibly talented fingerstyle artist himself, makes my job easy as he sorts through all the new releases each week and chooses a new "top ten" featuring a representative current best in the world of fingerstyle and adds the new top ten to "The most exciting playlist on Spotify" every Monday morning! "This Week in Fingerstyle" curated by Daryl Shawn is where you'll find the absolute best that true "Indie" has to offer in the world of fingerstyle! Daryl does all the selecting of the tunes, I just make a few comments. Put your headphones on or AirPods in and disappear into these wonderful sounds as we check out what gems Daryl found for us this week! "This Week" now has over 500 "Followers" enjoying this weekly treat!

I'm thrilled to find that first up this week is "Lili's Waltz" by me (Randal L Meek) & Lance Allen! This one was a thrill and a treat for me. Lance Allen is the person who opened the door that allowed me to find myself part of the wonderful world of fingerstyle guitar and find an audience. I am forever in his debt as are so many others. "Lili's Waltz" is our first collaboration and is a sweet little waltz with a Hawaiian feel written as a tribute to Hawaiian Queen Liliu'okalani. Lance really made this one sing with all the Hawaiian feeling he evokes. If you are in a colder climate right now, go grab your sweetheart and take a spin on the dance floor while dreaming of beautiful Hawaii!

"A Bridge To Nowhere" by Alan Shoesmith is a a beautiful, sweet and slow piece with layered guitar that just carries you up and over whatever troubles may have you down. Beautiful!

"Out at Sea" by Dennis Van Der Sanden is a slow jazz piece that would make the perfect dinner music on any cruise ship stateroom or your home dinner parties (when COVID is under control). Enjoy this one with the lights turned down low and someone special very close!

"Childreams" by Franco Morone is an exquisite piece that is airy and lyrical and punctuated just every once in a while with an unusual note that will grab your attention. The piece is like beautiful bells ringing out clear in sweet harmony!

"Beyond the Sacred Silence" by Matt Bacon fills that romantic space on the auditory spectrum that will bring a slight tear to your eye and a smile at the same time as you remember those wonderful romantic moments from your past and look toward future moments. Really beautiful Matt! And love the tremolo!

"Love of My Life" by Mathew Joseph is his cover of Freddie Mercury's classic. Mathew gives this one all the intense emotion of the original, but a little softer with nylon strings. Wonderful work Mathew!

"Broken Mirror" by Chris Kramer & Joshco Stephan is a wonderful duet of two guitars locked together to tell a story of depth and emotion with just little sadness. A fascinating story and tremendous guitar work!

"Vincent (Starry Starry Night)" needs no introduction! Rick Cyge shows his ability to pull off this cover of one of the most iconic Don MacLean songs from 1971. It is incredible that this song is now about to turn 50 years old and most of us still know every phrase and note by heart. A sad, haunting tribute to an artist haunted by demons but rising above to create some of the most recognizable paintings ever. A life that is captured beautifully in both the music and the words of Don MacLean and covered here by Rick Cyge with finesse, beauty and deep emotion. Love this one Rick!!!

"Shades of Shifting Landscapes" by Patrick Caruana takes us in a completely different direction with an "electrified/amplified" sound and a beat. This one is broad and wide indeed like a shifting landscape. Unique and creative, its a wonderful piece!

And Roberto Dalla Vecchia ushers in the Christmas season for us with an absolutely beautiful and lush version of "O Christmas Tree!" Intricate simultaneous ascending & descending harmonies that cross over each other in perfect synchrony and bell-like clarity! Bravo Roberto! This one should be on every Holiday playlist!

And don't stop there! Remember that all the past selections follow the new top ten starting with "The Promise" by Michael Lee Farley  A beautiful piece that leaves you with a sense of hope that this world will get back to some semblance of normal and perhaps we all will reenter with just a bit more humility and compassion for all 8,000,000,000 of us on this tiny planet

Daryl Shawn, thank you again for making my Monday mornings a very special and exciting part of every week! And for highlighting the talents of these brilliant artists who work and struggle so hard just to share their beautiful music with the world!

And that's it for another "This Week in Fingerstyle" by Daryl Shawn who every week puts together "the most exciting playlist on Spotify"!

Remember to "Follow/Heart/Like" the playlist that Daryl Shawn so painstakingly creates every week and "Follow/Heart/Like" the artists that give you their all each week!

Join us every week for "This Week in Fingerstyle" on Spotify!


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