March 1, 2021: "This Week in Fingerstyle!"


March 1, 2021

"This Week in Fingerstyle" is the wonderful creation of the talented fingerstyle artist Daryl Shawn who stays on top of everything fingerstyle and creates this spectacular playlist each week! So much good fingerstyle guitar music is being produced these days by incredible and talented musicians, and I'm here to put a smile on their faces every Monday morning!

Daryl Shawn, an incredibly talented fingerstyle artist himself, makes my job easy as he sorts through all the new releases each week and chooses a new "top ten" featuring a representative current best in the world of fingerstyle and adds the new top ten to "The most exciting playlist on Spotify" every Monday morning! "This Week in Fingerstyle" curated by Daryl Shawn is where you'll find the absolute best that true "Indie" has to offer in the world of fingerstyle! Daryl does all the selecting of the tunes, I just make a few comments. Put your headphones on or AirPods in and disappear into these wonderful sounds as we check out what gems Daryl found for us this week! "This Week" now has over 500 "Followers" enjoying this weekly treat!

First up this week is "Ikigai" by Edward OngCasper Esmann, Wow! Intense, fast-paced and brilliant with a wide range of fingerstyle pyrotechnics! Stunning from beginning to end!

"The Old Gardener" by Andrew York is beautiful and precise bringing a pastoral scene to mind that is sweet and lovely! 

"Suede" by Realizer & Isabella Mariscal is warm, fuzzy and makes you want to just curl up in front of the fire with someone special in a setting where you can just let go and be yourself! No pretention, just beautiful and comfy!

"Jahrmarkt" by Simon Wahl will have you tapping your toes and then bouncing in your seat! Just delightful!

"In Sorrow's Field" by the master Lance Allen will bring a tear to your eye. It's sad, haunting and delicate with an intense edge like a porcelain Santoku knife! Be careful or you just might break! 

"Newborn" by Juri van Saal is another totally exposed sad piece full of despair and desperation. Two of these in a row will have you stocking up on tissue! Wonderful what music can do!

"Baby, I Don't Mind" by the incredible Dylan Ryche is the perfect piece to show why this master fingerstyle is often imitated, but never replicated! Wow! 

"Next To Me" by INST is a beautiful Bossa Nova style piece for those late evenings with your loved one after everything has calmed down for the day and it's just the two of you! Nice!

"Botany Bay" by Chris Kramer & Dimitis Korontzis is a wonderfully delightful rendition of this classic that puts a smile on my face again & again as these two artists mix it up with a couple different techniques and Chris' harmonica dominates. Just wonderful!!

"It's a Good Day" shows the other side of the incomparable Dylan Ryche! Sweet, a little melancholic, and just "crazy-good!" Thanks Dylan!

And don't stop there! Remember that all the past selections follow the new top ten starting with "Childreams" by Franco Morone! Enjoy and keep listening!

Daryl Shawn, thank you again for making my Monday mornings a very special and exciting part of every week! And for highlighting the talents of these brilliant artists who work and struggle so hard just to share their beautiful music with the world!

And that's it for another "This Week in Fingerstyle" by Daryl Shawn who every week puts together "the most exciting playlist on Spotify"!

Remember to "Follow/Heart/Like" the playlist that Daryl Shawn so painstakingly creates every week and "Follow/Heart/Like" the artists that give you their all each week!

Join us every week for "This Week in Fingerstyle" on Spotify!


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