September 2, 2019: "This Week in Fingerstyle"

"This Week in Fingerstyle" by Daryl Shawn!

September 2, 2019
by Randal L Meek

"The most exciting playlist on Spotify" reloaded again for a great Monday morning! "This Week in Fingerstyle" curated by Daryl Shawn! Put your headphones on or AirPods in and disappear into these wonderful sounds!

First up is "Le'a Le'a Wale" by one of today's great slack-key artists Lance Takamiya! If you are longing for visions of grass skirts, beaches and swaying palm trees from Hawaii, this one will satisfy your every need! Lance captures that island sound and feel with finesse! Mahalo Lance Takamiya!

"Snow (Hey Oh)" by Luca Stricagnoli shows off a tantalizing melody and "crazy guitar skills" by the master of innovation Luca Stricagnoli! Luca's Spotify image features a 3-necked guitar that is the perfect image for this wild track! Well done!

"Pastel Phase" by Alan Shoesmith is as soft as the title suggests! With a modulation of a half-key signature change and what feels like a slight "latin swing" it's a pleasing, beautiful piece. Perfect for an end of day listen as the sun slips gently into the horizon and the last rays begin to fade. 

"Manzanara Blues" by Elson Complex is a wonder. Minimalism incarnate with a bluesy feel, that satisfies. Nice.

"Azalea" by Realizer (Matt C. White) & Mark Grundhoefer is a wonderful melding of two great artists into something quite different for either of them. Although the sounds of "Rose Door" & "Wallow In The Hollow" are present, this one meanders a little closer to the "Realizer" sound, but not quite, and adds the diverse guitar skills of Mark Grundhoefer to set the background theme and surface periodically with sort of a "70's sound". Really quite intriguing end result! These two guys are magicians with a guitar!

Jürg Kindle brings us back to the serious classical style with his new "Pendulum". A wonderful piece at just under 5 minutes, this one has time to really sink its musical teeth into your soul and develop. There is a seriousness about this piece that has me thinking Jurg really wanted to make a statement and take us back a few years, decades or a century to when a "real piece" needed at least a full four minutes or more to even be considered a serious musical work. Few today even try, but Jurg Kindle has both the skill and the foundation to create a work that will last another century! Like all things in life the pendulum swings back and forth and perhaps this piece begins the next swing back to longer, more developed and more "serious" and complex music? Bravo!

"A Walk In The Forest" by August Flendahl has that sweet, beautiful sound that fits all the good moments of life! Yet another musical success from that seemingly endless well of melodies that spring from the mind and soul of August Flendahl!

"Unusual Beautiful Sky" by Paul Adams & Elizabeth Geyer is stunningly beautiful and satisfying! This is another longer piece that draws us in to be completely absorbed by this unusual beautiful sky in all its glory! A mandolin surfaces briefly to periodically tantalize us with a soft punctuation but just sort of grazes the surface and lets the guitar carry the piece forward from beginning to end. This one ends far too soon in my opinion, and I can't wait for the next one from these two!

"Market Square" by Basil Wahn has a familiarity that adds a slight bounce to our step and invites us to dance or stroll immediately with guitar in hand! A great song to put on while brewing up that first cup of coffee!

Finally "January (The Morning Still)" shows Jon Hart's ability to perfectly mimic a cold crisp January morning with equally crisp harmonics that float almost endlessly in the January stillness! This piece is all about waiting for the sun to break through the winter fog. At four minutes in length, it seems to go by in a heartbeat. Beautiful!

Daryl Shawn, thank you again for making my Monday mornings a very special and exciting part of every week!

And that's it for another "This Week in Fingerstyle" by Daryl Shawn who every week puts together "the most exciting playlist on Spotify"!

Remember to "Follow/Heart/Like" the playlist that Daryl Shawn so painstakingly creates every week!

Join us every week for "This Week in Fingerstyle" on Spotify!


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