"Artistry Tuesday" featuring Tommy Berre!

August 6, 2019

"Randal's View"

“Artistry Tuesday” featuring Tommy Berre!

Throughout history most people just go where the wind blows them. There are always a few intrepid souls who "go against the wind" and then there are the truly rare individuals who actually "tame the winds". Within that last category is Tommy Berre like a norse musical Demi-god from the north of Norway!

It is well-known that for a successful music career, talent makes all the difference, and first and foremost, Tommy Berre seems to have an endless reservoir of talent. Listen to the early "Duende", "Salvador" & "Ambros" and be stunned at the beauty, melody and sound quality that Tommy manages to achieve. When I first heard "Duende" it became the standard for my own goal of recording quality (little did I know that Tommy managed this alone from his home studio). In the ensuing years Tommy has released a huge catalog of work with each piece reaching sublime heights of near perfection. The world of guitar is often filled with huge egos and chest-pounding, but right in the heart of this cacophony of egos, Tommy sits quietly producing masterpieces, never seeking the limelight. "Walk softly and play beautiful guitar" could be Tommy's motto.

From his early formative years forays into "prog/rock" Tommy has grown into and perfected the nylon-string guitar sound with beautiful melodies, and flawless recording, mixing and mastering. In today's universal quest for stream counts, that perfection pays off: the beautiful collaboration with Denis Turbide, "Iles de la Madeleine", was added to Spotify's "Peaceful Guitar" playlist and now sits at over 4,000,000 streams and rising! "Peaceful Guitar" and the resulting 4,000,000 streams is really today's "brass ring" that most every artist is chasing, but few have captured, and Tommy clearly understands the vagaries of that almost impossible quest. Consequently, rather than put all his eggs in one basket, Tommy tamed and harnessed the winds and is riding them to success far beyond one placement on "Peaceful Guitar".

With the prescient understanding that in the streaming world, "saturation" of one artist or one instrument might limit possibilities, after success as "Georg Erixon" in 2017, Tommy quietly expanded into ukulele, piano and multiple pseudonyms for his guitar artistry in order to expand the saturation level. Tommy understood long before the rest of us that successful streaming playlists could only accommodate so many songs from one artist, so brilliantly, Tommy snapped the reins on his tamed winds and created more "artists"! All of a sudden there was not just Tommy Berre, but Georg Erixon, August Flendahl, Somniacs, and Tiny Uke Orchestra with each artist producing beautiful music worthy of the best playlists and placement. Where any one playlist can only accommodate one or two songs from one artist, every playlist can accommodate one or two songs from 5 different "artists"! A brilliant strategy, but it only works for artists like Tommy who have a seemingly never-ending reservoir of beautiful melodies.

With this endless reservoir of talent and his brilliant strategies, Tommy doesn't seek the limelight, he is, however, generous to a fault with his willingness to share his vision with anyone who asks. If you believe that it is impossible to succeed in today's music world, fine. If you believe it is too late to make it big or even make a living in the streaming world, fine. If you want to learn the "secrets" of how to break the rules and succeed, Tommy is happy to share his knowledge and let you forge your own path to success. If you are really lucky and deserving, you might even get to share the stage with this incredible talent in one of Tommy's many collaborations with other artists.

This story has really only just begun and Tommy is currently working on a new and exciting project with a twist. With his proven creativity and brilliance I for one will stay on the edge of my seat awaiting the details of this new project! Stay tuned!

by Randal L Meek

Spotify: Tommy Berre on Spotify! 

Apple Music: Tommy Berre on Apple Music


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