"Artistry Tuesday" - featuring Stephen Wake

“Artistry Tuesday”
by Randal L Meek

Stephen Wakefeatures heavily in my repeating Thursday tribute to Celtic music: he is the real deal! Hailing from the island of Orkney, Scotland, Stephen is well-versed in everything Celtic music has to offer, from airs & hornpipes to jigs & reels and beyond!

An artist's musical journey often takes a circuitous route before finding their musical home and Stephen's began with the influences of Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, and rock 'n roll. From there the journey took him to a focus on the Spanish guitar of Tarrega and Torroba and then the music of Latin America. Finally, Stephen's musical heart returned to the roots of western music, and the land of his birth received the full gift of his talent.

And what a gift! The Celtic masterEl McMeenwrote of Stephen's 2015 debut album "Journey's End": "Stephen's treatment of jigs and reels pays proper homage to the brilliance of players like Tony McManus and John Sherman. His more languid phrasing of the slower tunes, including the way he draws up to and presents the important melody notes, reminds me of the artistry of Steve Baughman".
Technical skill and brilliance almost always accompany great artists, but for me the real test of an artist is "how does that artist make me feel when I listen to their work?" Stephen's music makes me gasp, giggle, cry, and long to pick up the guitar; that same feeling I had almost 30 years ago when I first heard El McMeen's "Irish Guitar Encores" and the exquisite recordings of "My Mary of the Curling Hair" and "Castle of Dromore". That album powered me through decades of struggling with the demands of daily work all the while wishing for the opportunity to play music. Stephen has picked up that mantle and carries it high!

To get a sense of Stephen's complete mastery of Celtic music take a listen to the medley "Return to Kintail/Calliope House/The Humors of Tulla" from his debut album "Journey's End". Beginning with the sounds of a rainstorm Stephen manages to create deep, aching, longing in "Return to Kintail" with brilliant phrasing and deep emotion, then, with hand on our shoulder, beautifully escorts us through "Calliope House" and then brings an involuntary huge grin as his technical brilliance on the guitar mimics the impossible sounds of the bagpipes! In this one piece Stephen shows us everything he's got and it is beautiful and brilliant! The rest of the album will fill your need for love, life and longing as few albums can.

"Ciuil Amuigh" from 2017 is a masterclass in Celtic music ending with the title song that begins with another melancholic rainstorm brightening to the gentle, hopeful songs of birds while the guitar sails through the airy Scottish hillsides.

2018 brought the intriguing and unique exploration of seven Scottish Lochs on nylon string guitar. A very different sound and an unusual one revealing Stephen's itchiness to explore a new and uncharted corner of the genre. His musical sojourn into Spanish guitar influences heavily this album and results in something different and wonderful!

2019 has seen the single releases of the beautiful and haunting "Mairi Bhan Og", "Off to California", the brilliant melancholy rendition of "Star of the County Down" and the crystal clear tear-inducing "Precious Place". All worthy of several hours on "repeat"!

Describing Stephen's work in one sentence I would say that "Stephen's music lets my mind see that beautiful world for which my heart longs!" Stephen Wakeis one of today's most captivating artists!

By Randal L Meek 


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