"Artistry Tuesday" featuring Michelle Qureshi

July 29, 2019 "Randal's View" “Artistry Tuesday” featuring Michelle Qureshi I was first introduced to Michelle Qureshi by some fellow musician friends about 10 months ago. She was one of the few female artists in some of the fingerstyle guitar groups I had joined that often, sadly, seem to be primarily male. Michelle stood out as not only one of the kindest and most helpful members of the groups, but also one of the most talented! Shortly after we met I remember her rather meekly announcing that she had just hit 1,000,000 streams on Spotify! She announced something along the lines of “I know it’s not a lot compared to some of you, but you know, baby steps.” I told her at the time that 1,000,000 streams constituted a pretty big baby! And there is no stopping Michelle who is one of the most talented, diverse, hard-working and prolific guitar artists I have ever known. Michelle is the model of how to succeed: have great natural talent, practice hard, work hard...